If you’re look for something new and a way to use up the last of ingredients this Mexican Lasagna is just for you! This is to make in a 9×13 casserole dish. Ingredient: 1 cup (or can rinsed and drained) black beans 1 can of corn 2-3 cups of meat (or extra firm ‘fried’ tofu) […]
All Posts By: ~Just Your Average Mama
Car Washing Station
I love when I can created a fun afternoon or two with items I was going to toss in the recycle bin. All You’ll need is a milk just and some sort of container to hold water. We had this foil pan from a freezer meal which worked perfectly. All I did was cut the […]
Ranch Popcorn
This stuff is so addictive that once you make this you’ll make it over and over again. My kids can’t seem to get enough of it. Every birthday party we have it as one of our appetizers/snack foods. So naturally for the fun whimsical birthdays like the Unicorn and Mermaid themed birthdays I make it […]
Renewed Crayons
It got to a point where all the “free” thinner crayons and some larger ones that were in the crayon box that were all broken up and to difficult for the kids to use. So instead of tossing them out I cut them all up and had the kids sort them into Roy G. Biv […]
Fine Motor Skills Snack/Lunch
I’ve been doing this trick for quite a few years for all my kiddos. My 5yo STILL loves this (why there is 3 haha). This is great for sevreal reasons. They are working on their fine motor skill, which is great for their brains. They eat slower and more controlled, which is great for their […]
DIY Ranch Seasoning Mix
I like to just add everything into this 12oz mason jar then add a lid and shake it. Stores wonderfully and you can write on the lid nicely with a sharpie. We use this for sooooo many things. Chicken, potatoes, popcorn, in cassaroles, you name it. Recipe Ingredient: 4 tbls dry dill 4 tbls onion […]
Bug Hunt!
Phew! Sometimes it’s hard to come up with new ideas to captivate your little ones for longer that it takes to create said idea. This activity was a winner on all fronts. I ordered these butterfly nets and bugs from amazon, and the rest were gifts my children had received for Christmas. The mushroom kaleidoscope […]
Promoting Paper Magic Site
Here is her awesome book! https://craftingwithreny.com/ The kids and I really enjoy this amazing women’s work. She has soooo many crafts that we’ve done, and so many more we’ve ear marked to do! Here is just one that we did that my son and I loved making and playing with, It even flies a bit! […]
Rice and Beans Wrap
Since this is my second leftover recreation recipe I’ve decided to make it into a running section labeled “Leftover Rewrite”. These will be easy recipes to transform your leftovers into something even the leftover haters will enjoy! We had a bunch of rice left from the dinner the night before, and I had a little […]
DIY Taco Seasoning Mix
Ingredients: 1 tsp chili powder 4 tbls garlic powder 4 tbls onion powder 2 tbls dried oregano 3 tbls paprika 2 tbls ground cumin 1 tbls sea salt 1 teaspoon black pepper Directions: In a small 8oz mason jar add all your spices then close the lid and shake well. If a recipe says to use a taco seasoning packet just use 2 tbls of this mix. We […]