Car Washing Station

I love when I can created a fun afternoon or two with items I was going to toss in the recycle bin.

All You’ll need is a milk just and some sort of container to hold water. We had this foil pan from a freezer meal which worked perfectly.

All I did was cut the bottom portion of the milk jug off and then on two oposit sides I just strips, and as a final fun touch I wrote ‘Car Wash’ and added some whimsical bubbles.

Just add some water with a good squirt of soap and let them go to town with their imagination.

I find anytime you give a child less to work with the more creative they are and the longer they play. Which is a big win in my book.

Two days after this they ended up using these as buckets and hats during playtime in nice summer rainy evening. (No thunder or lightening so it was safe. Also it’s an amazing way to really exhaust your kiddos hahaha).

Till then God Bless and Enjoy!

~Just Your Average Mama