Renewed Crayons

It got to a point where all the “free” thinner crayons and some larger ones that were in the crayon box that were all broken up and to difficult for the kids to use. So instead of tossing them out I cut them all up and had the kids sort them into Roy G. Biv style then add them to the silicon ice cube molds we were gifted.

Making my busy little bees peel any wrapper that’s left off.

After we prepped them and added them into the molds we wanted we popped them in the oven for a few minutes and then I set them in the freezer to set up faster.


Remove ALL paper from crayons and cut various sizes to be able to fill the selected mold as well as possible. Then once molds are filled place on a baking sheet that’s COVERED FOIL, and place in a 300*F oven for 2-4 minutes. Once the crayons are melted pull them out and let them set out for a few minutes to cool slightly, then place in the fridge or freezer to have them set faster.


Till then God Bless and Enjoy!

~Just Your Average Mama