Toddler Scavenger Hunt

2yo was so excited to be in the big kid club with guchie wearing boot walking fun

Today was one of those glorious sun shinning just a sweatshirt kind of days. For some reason this winter in our household seemed rough and the cabin fever and winter blues hit us hard. So when I saw the weather forecast for this week I got a bit giddy to say the least. We did our normal book work and some ABC mouse with a small fun project for school then it was off to outside adventures. I’m so grateful for two things. One, that I was able to get what we got done accomplished and to get out of the house by noon: and two, that I was able to let a few messes go till we got home with unfinished tasks to be completed later also.

This was so easy to make with just 3 peices of paper and a marker. I had found these ‘specia’ pens at the Dollar Tree a few weeks ago and let the kids take those to mark off their items.

This took me maybe a total of 1 minute start to finish for all 3 hunts.


  • Think about where you’re going before making the list and make sure the items will be there
  • make them easy things you’ll be able to draw 🙂
  • however many you need to make, make sure they are the same but identifiable for the child (ex: different colored paper)
  • Then JUST ENJOY let them go and don’t help or coach in any way. If they are having trouble just ask them what all they have left and ask what they’d like to look for next.

Till then Enjoy and God Bless

~Just Your Average Mama