REVIEW: Baby Teething Tubes

I found this scrolling through Instagram and watched the add 3 times then let it sit for a night. Our youngest is right at this whole getting new teeth fiasco. So i decided even though I was worried he’d choke on it that this was a good idea for us.

Let me just tell you that I wish I had this thing for ALL our children! We don’t let him have it by himself, he has to be with us sitting, but so far so good. We’ve had it now for over a month and he uses it very often and gravitates towards it the most. Even more so than our beloved Sofia the Giraffe.

If you’re in need of something teething wise I suggest this awesome little tube thing. It checks off all the right boxes also with being chemical free, safe, and was created by the co-founder of the Honest company.

Till then God Bless and Enjoy!

~Just Your Average Mama