Kids Easy Lenten Activities

Today was a full day of Lenten activity but two I want to share with you.

Last year we did the chain and the beans so this year we did the same thing. Instead of beans though this year we are doing beads.

Lenten Chain

Chain 3 purple then one white, then chain 6 purple and then 1 white SIX times. Then you choose if you take it off at the end of every night or the beginning of every day. This helps the kids know when Easter is without being asked a million and one times.

I draw lines on construction paper then have the kids cut them out. It’s excellent scissor skills time and it makes them appreciate it even more because they made it. For fastening them together I like to staple them and I have the kids hand me what is needed. This is also good with working with patterns and numbers.

Lenten chain is now part of your Easter decor 🙂

Good Deeds

I feel like activity really helps bring out the positive feature in our kids. They really are great kind caring children and I’m so thankful for it, but this helps them hone in on it a bit more.

Last year we did the beans, which is what it’s supposed to be, but this year we did beads just becuase they like color a lot.

Just take any container and fill with beans (or beads) and then have an empty container of your choice for the kids to fill. Every time they do a good deed tell them to add a bean (or bead). They will quickly start doing things and asking if they can have a bean for this or that quite a bit.

ex: setting the table without asking, pushing a chair in, seeing you need more water and refilling your glass or siblings glasses, putting another dirty cloths away that was forgot, hold a door open, clearing your dishes, etc, etc, etc.

Children thrive on doing good things and seeing their helpful nature being appreciated so I feel it’s so very important to keep up with thanking and acknowledging their kind nature.

Till then Enjoy and God Bless

~Just Your Average Mama