Mom Hacks …. What Parents Live By

I love finding and looking for a cool hack to make life easier. Though out it I’ve actually thought of a few myself that I thought I’d share.

So here are a few of those

Emergency Snack stash

If your kids are anything like mine they eat ALL OF THE TIME. Sometimes we finish all the snacks we’ve brought and the car ride home is long. Other times I just want to keep them awake so I like to have snacks on hand for that also. Other times we just take WAY longer than anticipated and the kids are really just hungry. So I took one of our empty baby puffs bin and put pretzel rods in it. they fit perfectly and they are nice and easy to pull out and pass around. I store mine on the driver side door but they fit in a cup holder also.

Tricky Stickers?

Sometimes little fingers have a difficult time getting the stickers out. That can lead to frustration, giving up, meltdown, etc. So to avoid that I’ll let them try and if they are having trouble I’ll see if they want me to take the extras off. I make sticker fun so much more enjoyable, which means gives you a few extra minutes of whatever!

Sticker Fun

A lot of the companies we get things shipped from have paper as part of their packaging. So we’ve cut some of that up and stapled it to make books for the kids to create their own stories. However there is still a lot left. So we just lay a HUGE sheet out and I pull all the sticker pages that only have a few left on them and let them go to town. It’s more fun for them it seems when the paper is larger.

Reviving The Shower Mat

I’m not sure why it took me so long to figure this out but it did. When it’s time to wash the bathroom up I just take my shower curtain, shower puff balls, bath rugs, AND bath mat and toss them all in a cycle together. Every single time it comes out I’m just amazed at how new it looks again. Just make sure you line dry your shower mat and your puff balls.

Well that’s enough for now I’ll be posting more like this soon.

Till then God Bless and Enjoy!

~Just Your Average Mama