I love fresh minced garlic, but really hate doing it often, and buying the pre-minced stuff just isn’t for us thanks to a Netflix documentary. So instead I’ll buy a small 2 or 3 bulb bag from the store and do it all at once.
First thing I do is just peel ALL the garlic. You can do this however you find is easiest. I prefer to just cut the top mostly then peel and then do it on the bottom and it comes off easy enough. Once you’ve cleaned up all your garlic peels just go in and chop. I like to cut each piece into long tiny strips then cut into tiny cubes, but sometimes I don’t have time, and I use my fancy mincing knife.

Once you have all your garlic minced to your liking you’ll add it to your selected jar, then you’ll fill the jar covering your garlic with extra virgin olive oil. (You’ll want to make sure you’re using good quality EVOO.)

-I love the Trader Joe’s Organic garlic bulbs.
– 1 tsp is about equal to one clove of garlic.
-My mincing knife is white and very old but I found one similar on Kohl’s https://www.kohls.com/product/prd-1693524/joseph-joseph-mezzaluna.jsp?skuid=95064003&CID=shopping15&utm_campaign=FOOD%20PREP&utm_medium=CSE&utm_source=google&utm_product=95064003&utm_campaignid=9733267189&gclid=CjwKCAjw-qeFBhAsEiwA2G7Nl9Hq2VME8OLEM4DpheypDJG1He7jFFxVDPz8JuCSRpMg1GLNbDRjeBoCDeAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
Till then Enjoy and and God Bless!
~Just Your Average Mama