“I Love You To Pieces”

With Fathers day right around the corner I thought I’d share what the kids made for their Dad for Christmas.

Each kid was creative, and came up with their own from the cookie cutters, and markers I had on hand.

You lay 10 popsicle sticks out and then take an 11th to make level. Once you have it where you like you’ll put either one wider strip of tape on or two small pieces of tape on to secure while the kids get creative.

Once your child has finished making there puzzle scene you’ll then have them peel the tape off and place into a container. We chose a snack size zip lock bag so we could write a fun little message on them.

The main thing for this is that they are able to make and give their own gift with very little help. Also, lets face it, it’s SUPER fun watching Dad put them together without a photo! HAHAHA

Till then Enjoy and and God Bless!

~Just Your Average Mama