I was talking with my MIL, and she said I really needed to write something up and share it with the world so here it is.
People keep hoarding toilet paper and talking about washing hands but don’t really talk about everything else that needs talked about. Throughout this read, I’m going to give you some things to think about and possibly change in your home for at least the time being.
We want to stop the spread of this virus and ‘try to flatten the curve’.
Not only do people need to be washing their hands for 30 seconds with soap and warm water, but they also need to be rinsing WELL and applying lotion afterwards. This helps prevent dry skin, which prevents cracking, which prevents bacteria getting into the cracks, and preventing infections.
People need to be thinking about when they come home and ALL of the stuff that they touch. An example would be; if you set your purse down anywhere (don’t get me started if you’re the type of person that puts your bag on the floor!) then you have all of those germs from people coughing, sneezing, spitting, baby poop, etc now on your bag. Now you go home and set your bag down on your kitchen counter for a moment while you get your coat off, put your kid down, etc. You now go and do a million things before dinner. Before you start, you do a quick clean up so you can make said dinner. Well now you are preparing the food you are going to consume on the counter that you have just contaminated with all that bodily fluid and bacteria from other people.
Most people don’t think this way, but as a person with OCD I think of these things way more often than I’d like to. So with that said, I want you to keep in mind the suggestions and bullet points I’ve prepared for you.
- When you come home change your clothing, anywhere you sit has been contaminated and your vehicle is NO acceptation
- When you go shopping disinfect the area that you placed your shopping bags down and disinfect any area you set your new items down.
- Wash all new clothing, toys, etc. you can just take a wipe and at least quickly wipe the outside of the items down
- Stop putting your children inside the shopping carts as the children have their shoes on which have gone into the bathrooms and other areas with you. It’s like saying to your child go ahead and lick the urinal or the floor right by the urinals
- The mail/packages is has been all over the place touched by many and gross
- Your House should be a NO SHOES place to decrees the spread of germs. SO so so so many placed in the world find it so offensive to even think of wearing shoes in the home
- Don’t forget to wash your hands as soon as you get home and deal with you contaminated items….and if you’ve touch any knobs or such disinfect those also again
- Door knobs and the edge of the doors
- light switches
- cords
- keyboards
- purse, diaper bags, briefcases
- radio knobs/fan knobs/turn signals/headlights/wipers/steering wheel/ car door handles/seat belts with buckle and the latch/
- Shoe area/entrance way
- toilets/sinks/ faucets
- tables/counters/any surface
Just think next time you go out and try to keep track of all the items you touch, from picking up the cart, to adding all the items into your cart, to the card reader, and so on. The items you touch have been touched by at least the stock ‘boy’, and anyone else who may have picked it up read it or bumped it and it fell on the floor and they put it back.
Then I want you to think about all the people that don’t cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze, and the people that go to the bathroom and walk out without so much as even looking at the sinks.
This is why the virus spreads so quickly. People just don’t think about those things for one reason or another. Then before you know it you have a legit pandemic clogging up our hospitals, causing shortages on toilet paper for a virus that doesn’t even use up tp.

I guess the best way to think of it is like when you were a kid and you played the floor is hot lava game, but now you’re an adult and anything you touch is hot lava. See and you thought your childhood fun would never amount to anything 😉
Tricks for children

Add pepper to a bowl with water in it and have the child put their finger in it and let them see all the ‘germs’ that stick to their finger. Now have them use their other hand to dip into liquid soap first then put their finger into the bowl of peppered water and let them see that it repels the ‘germs’.
Until then Enjoy and God Bless!
~Just Your Average Mama