St. Patrick’s Day Crafts

These two were fun and a bit educational with the good old Roy G. Biv. It was also a great opportunity to teach about the color wheel and mixing colors vs having each color available.

I had the kids paint the green popsicle sticks first then use that left over paint to get the grass started on the rainbow craft. Then since they were already messy I had them paint the black popsicle sticks and go straight to painting JUST the palm of their hands for the ‘cauldron’ for the pot of gold. (As you’ll see in the links they had the child fingers in the rainbow colors but when you deal with a 5, 3, and 2yo by yourself with paint that’s just asking for more trouble.) After we got cleaned up a bit we got to work on mixing a few colors and creating the rainbow. To make it easier for the kids I drew soft pencil lines for them to follow with their paintbrush in the order of Roy G. Biv. I was able to get the 5yo to cut out the ‘buckle’ which was just a yellow square and then a smaller black square.

The coins I found at the $ Tree and I just used scrap card (which at that point life had happened so instead of the boy cutting it out I did) and hot glued everything on. Don’t forget to add a stick for the back to glue everything together for the hats.

Here are the links to the blogs from where I got the ideas from

End of the rainbow gold

Cute Irish Hats

The kids and I really enjoyed these becuase they were easy quick and educational. I think those kind are the best.

Till then Enjoy and God Bless

~Just Your Average Mama

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