When tending to our kids we, like so many parents out there, like to use as many natural methods to curing our children. Now that things are crazy due to Covid_19, and the switch from winter to spring, we are experiencing a large volume of all sorts of ‘bugs’.
I’d like to pass on some of the things that we do, some of the medicines we use, and, other things to help our little ones.
Medication: Please consult your child pediatrician before doing anything
- ***Disclaimer wait until your child is of age to consume honey*** We like to use this product called Chestal Honey that we found at CVS for when the kiddos have congestion. https://www.cvs.com/shop/chestal-children-s-cough-syrup-honey-6-7-oz-prodid-1011449
- When our kids need something a bit extra we end up using Hyland’s 4
Kids Cold and Cough. We usually never have to use the day time stuff because the Chestal is enough, but at night while they are laying, and it’s hard to sleep with the mucus settling we’ll use the night time one. https://www.cvs.com/shop/hyland-s-4-kids-cold-n-cough-day-and-night-value-pack-4-oz-2ct-prodid-527790 - Per our pediatrician, and many others that we’ve talked with, and tips from other parents we also like to implement the duel medication rotation. Meaning every 4 hours we’ll give them Tylenol and then 4 hours later Motrin. For our kids when they get fevers it’s usually pretty nasty so this is the best method for us.
Holistic Approach
- I love to use an oil diffuser and diffuse Melaleuca’s Vapor or Doterra’s Breathe vs using a product on my children. They have very sensitive skin so I don’t like putting anything on them. We really like to use this method for while they are sleeping mostly.
- During the day I like to use in the oil diffuser with Melaleuca’s Armor or Doterra’s On Guard which helps fight the airborne germs
- I give the kids drinks with Manuka Honey also which can be found at Trader Joe’s or most likely any whole foods type of store.
- My kids love the hot water bottle. They can be found at a million places. We have and like this one: https://www.cvs.com/shop/cvs-health-warm-or-cold-water-bottle-prodid-313072
- WATER! I can’t express how important it is to strongly push water down.
- Along with citrus like oranges and mandarins, peppers also have a good amount of vitamin C. Try to be careful of the juice becuase of the acid and the sugars.
- And sleep.
- If a kid is sleeping with or in their own bed it’s best to add extra layers so you don’t have to change sheets as often. Now remember you need to keep things tucked and secure just like normal sheets.
- The $ tree has AWESOME little buckets with handles for “throw up buckets”. I have a few of these for a couple spots, and for multiple children.
- Don’t try to be a super hero with remembering everything, you have enough to deal with. If you have one already use what you have but you can get one for the $ spot, at Target, or $ tree or a bunch of other places for a good price. Use that to write down what child it is and what medicines you are giving and the time you gave them.
- If they need to be in bed or separated I’m a huge fan of the items from the dollar spot at Target and the Dollar Tree to create quite activities.
- coloring/activity books
- crayons/markers
- stickers
- couple new books
- little toys (cars/pony’s) and little games (like those mini pinball games)
- kindle charged (maybe a new movie downloaded on it)
- WATER bottle that won’t leak in their bed (just in case)
- healthy snacks

Till then Enjoy and God Bless!
~Just Your Average Mama