Ok so if you’ve made it this far bravo! You’re a champ and I thank you! A good number of folks in my family all over in many directions have tattoos. How every my devote Catholic grandparents were very opposed to them, as many folks are.
For a quick back story I fell completely in love with Europe when I got to go in 2004 on a high school trip thanks to my loving and brave parents. I talked about it so much my husband said we could go again to visit my cousin who was abroad for school. While there having an amazing time I found these rosary’s at the Nostradamus Cathedral and fell completely in love with. To this day they have such great meaning and were there with me at the end of each of my grandparents life.
While I was there I had this idea to get them tattooed on my foot. (I was anything but a girl who wanted a tattoo, but felt compelled to get this.) So after a while I finally asked my grandparents if I could get it (as they frowned upon them), and to my surprise they both gave me the go ahead without hesitation or grief. So I pretty quickly found the best person to do it and got it done ASAP. Now not only do I have a rosary with me at all times, but I’m always reminded of my greatly missed grandparents.

Till then Enjoy and God Bless
~Just Your Average Mama