There is a great deal of controversy on what you should and should not be allowed to use to get children to behave during the service. I for one am just thankful to see children there. I’m not a huge fan of electronics during mass but I’ve come to learn to never say never. There have been very very few (could count on one hand) the times I’ve allowed electronics and they usually co-inside with illness and overtired, and we only used religious children apps. Our main things are religious books, a few times we tried religious coloring books but that was a bad idea for us, and food becuase if their mouths are full they aren’t causing a fuss. (Now with the food you have to be prepared to clean up afterwards becuase inevitably food will fall and sometimes get crushed into dust).
The main thing I want to stress upon though just go. No matter what it’s always better to go. I truly believe that 98% of the population that is “giving the judgmental looks” really aren’t and are just saying a quick hard prayer that you get through it. To the 2% just say your sorry and you’ll pray for them to have a more open mind towards children.
I heard a quote (no idea who said it) that said “If you don’t hear a child crying then the church is dying”. It’s 100% true! With that I digress on my thought’s about the 2%.
- Sitting up front as close as your can and staying as far away from the cry room helps a great deal also. I’m not brave enough to follow this enough becuase we have sooooo many little ones. Only time we go into the cry room is during the 7:30am service sometimes.
- I love these GoBe Snack spinner! they keep them occupied for a long time and they have a variety and you deal with less disruptions. However, I will add that they are kind of noisy when you only have 30-40 for a Friday service though. https://www.gobekids.co/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAnL7yBRD3ARIsAJp_oLZIOE61drweNqSveqhsJaQmbBq-6bVzXOBu05laUEOs7ctTuTIWA6IaAs0jEALw_wcB
- Mass book I found thats a flap book the kids like https://www.amazon.com/Im-Going-Mass-Lift-Flap/dp/1593253249/ref=sr_1_5?crid=73Q0JLD13YR4&keywords=childrens+mass+book&qid=1582335048&sprefix=childrens+mass+%2Caps%2C137&sr=8-5
- We love using the free bible coloring app and bible memory game apps. They are quiet and nice for drs offices or restaurants.
Till then Enjoy and God Bless
~Just Your Average Mama